Deforestation statistics for Liberia

Liberia: Demographic data

Population (2022) 5,057,681
Annual population growth rate (2022) 2.40%
Population density (people/sq km) 53
Net migration -5,000
Fertility rate 4.4
Median age 19
Urban population share 53%

Liberia: Land cover and land use change data
Land area (sq km):96,320
Tree cover(30%)
Tree cover extent in 2000 (ha):9,384,718
Tree cover extent as % of land area:97.40%

Tree cover loss from 2001-20 (ha):1,918,352
Tree cover extent as % of 2000 tree cover:20.40%
Tropical primary forest
Primary forest extent in 2001 (ha):4,429,051
Primary forest extent as % of land area:46.00%
Primary forest extent as % of 2000 tree cover:47.20%

Primary forest loss from 2002-20 (ha):259,559
Primary forest loss from 2002-20 as % of 2001 primary forest cover:5.90%

Primary forest extent in 2020 (ha):4,169,492
Primary forest extent in 2020 as % of land area:43.30%
Primary forest extent in 2020 as % of 2000 tree cover area:44%

Liberia: Annual forest and tree cover data

Liberia: Tropical primary forest loss by year All figures in hectares
Year: Hectares

Liberia: Tree cover loss by year 30% tree cover threshold; all figures in hectares
Year: Hectares

Tree cover loss by year at the subnational level (administrative level 1)

Sub-national admin area 1 Tree cover extent
Tree cover loss
Tree cover loss
Tree cover loss
Tree cover loss
Tree cover loss
Tree cover loss
Bomi 202,228 2,761 8,903 29,034 37,074 77,772 38.5%
Maryland 204,747 5,017 4,943 15,282 22,221 47,463 23.2%
Montserrado 154,598 4,269 7,551 22,269 25,342 59,432 38.4%
Nimba 1,172,990 25日,645 27,422 87,981 156,139 297,187 25.3%
River Cess 524,516 7,310 12028年 27,505 42,828 89,672 17.1%
River Gee 616,401 3,834 5,403 9,356 24,149 42,742 6.9%
Sinoe 930,804 7,480 7,969 24,133 33,527 73,108 7.9%
Bong 820,901 19,268 28,457 111,572 182,021 341,318 41.6%
Gbapolu 922,087 3,369 15,126 33,755 50,028 102,278 11.1%
Grand Cape Mount 469,231 3,407 10,099 32,003 49,705 95,214 20.3%
GrandBassa 730,951 15,410 27,337 71,301 115,354 229,403 31.4%
GrandGedeh 1,022,346 6,531 8,525 14,158 33,157 62,372 6.1%
GrandKru 351,176 6,191 7,445 17,404 23,685 54,726 15.6%
Lofa 1,006,717 5,946 27,815 82,559 131,744 248,063 24.6%
Margibi 255,020 8,895 13,146 33,840 41,722 97,602 38.3%

Tree cover loss by year at the subnational level (administrative level 2)

Sub-national admin area 1 Admin area 2 Tree cover extent
Tree cover loss
Tree cover loss
Tree cover loss
Tree cover loss
Tree cover loss
Tree cover loss
Bomi Klay 1,458 3 29 10 34 75 5.1%
Bomi Mecca 2,046 10 48 52 134 244 11.9%
Maryland Barrobo 37,987 154 209 239 639 1,241 3.3%
Maryland Pleebo/Sodeken 33,962 347 556 1,002 1,981 3,886 11.4%
Montserrado Careysburg 446 9 25 41 93 168 37.7%
Montserrado Greater Monrovia 2 0 0 2 0 2 81.5%
Montserrado Todee 2,134 22 62 227 275 586 27.5%
Nimba Gbehlageh 10,212 138 267 639 1,754 2,798 27.4%
Nimba Saclepea 2,344 61 163 270 634 1,128 48.1%
Nimba Sanniquelleh-Mahn 24,684 468 369 746 1,541 3,125 12.7%
Nimba Tappita 250,371 972 1,999 5,151 7,493 15,616 6.2%
Nimba Yarwein-Mehnsohnne 32,765 559 749 2,001 3,593 6,902 21.1%
Nimba Zoegeh 2,244 37 50 236 490 813 36.3%
River Cess Morweh 98,323 541 1,531 2,334 3,574 7,981 8.1%
River Cess Timbo 206,996 1,012 2,200 4,374 7,232 14,818 7.2%
River Gee Gbeapo 223,430 495 1,200 1,597 4,058 7,349 3.3%
River Gee Webbo 186,727 417 976 1291年 3,237 5,921 3.2%
Sinoe Butaw 176,244 556 1,135 3,897 2,683 8,272 4.7%
Sinoe Dugbe River 30,709 294 388 612 886 2,180 7.1%
Sinoe Greenville 3582年 52 100 126 276 554 15.5%
Sinoe Jaedae Jaedepo 245,996 724 686 1,070 1,608 4,087 1.7%
Sinoe Juarzon 110,931 316 391 2,145 2,858 5,711 5.1%
Sinoe Kpayan 55,202 429 697 992 2,366 4,484 8.1%
Sinoe Pyneston 110,696 357 325 1,108 1,314 3,104 2.8%
Bong Fuamah 22,291 143 509 917 1,694 3,263 14.6%
Bong Jorquelleh 497 16 8 27 104 154 31.0%
Bong Kokoyah 4,073 72 53 113 298 536 13.2%
Bong Salala 5,395 54 170 335 364 922 17.1%
Bong Sanayea 10,057 261 540 1,320 2,090 4,211 41.9%
Bong Suakoko 4,948 53 129 513 920 1,615 32.6%
Bong Zota 9,379 72 111 507 1,106 1,797 19.2%
Gbapolu Belleh 226,466 225 1,549 3,087 4,346 9,207 4.1%
Gbapolu Bokomu 55,607 150 899 2,743 3,863 7,656 13.8%
Gbapolu Bopolu 146,369 246 1,585 3,066 4,039 8,937 6.1%
Gbapolu Gbarma 58,541 40 359 573 604 1,576 2.7%
Gbapolu Kongba 196,813 44 554 1,037 1,703 3,337 1.7%
Grand Cape Mount Commnwealth 1,167 1 20 15 37 73 6.3%
Grand Cape Mount Garwula 5,184 79 349 748 981 2,156 41.6%
Grand Cape Mount Golakonneh 93,029 181 1,026 2,810 3,817 7,835 8.4%
Grand Cape Mount Porkpa 102,222 86 375 602 1,114 2,176 2.1%
GrandBassa District # 1 26,081 165 667 1,176 2,072 4,080 15.6%
GrandBassa District # 2 29,864 610 659 1,161 1,655 4,085 13.7%
GrandBassa District # 3 46,169 448 948 1,721 3,474 6,591 14.3%
GrandBassa District # 4 22,177 303 1,289 974 1,719 4,285 19.3%
GrandBassa Owensgrove 7,125 20 84 206 451 760 10.7%
GrandBassa Stjohnriver 10,648 134 433 536 966 2,070 19.4%
GrandGedeh Gbarzon 319,571 838 1,739 2,337 5,654 10,569 3.3%
GrandGedeh Konobo 316,414 352 876 878 3,201 5,307 1.7%
GrandGedeh Tchien 125,184 413 830 1,450 3,708 6,401 5.1%
GrandKru Buah 49,358 97 202 362 719 1,380 2.8%
GrandKru Lower Kru Coast 20,832 203 305 436 981 1,926 9.2%
GrandKru Sasstown 180606 95,009 504 943 1,244 1,551 4,242 4.5%
GrandKru Upperkrucoast 46,223 442 1,107 1,386 1,826 4,762 10.3%
Lofa Foya 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0%
Lofa Kolahun 156,157 840 1,681 4,619 5,917 13,058 8.4%
Lofa Lower Kru Coast 28,505 15 38 220 791 1,064 3.7%
Lofa Salayea 73,090 148 807 2,108 3,309 6,373 8.7%
Lofa Voinjama 73,673 68 367 1,511 2,422 4,368 5.9%
Lofa Zorzor 172,625 372 1,612 6,159 10,323 18,466 10.7%
Margibi Firestone 2,210 88 134 271 139 632 28.6%
Margibi Gibi 8,185 308 222 362 451 1,343 16.4%
Margibi Kakata 2,358 12 18 49 151 229 9.7%
Margibi Mambah-Kaba 6,059 22 174 392 481 1,069 17.6%

Primary forest loss by year at the subnational level (administrative level 2)

Sub-national admin area 1 Primary forest extent
Primary forest loss
Primary forest loss
Primary forest loss
Primary forest loss
Primary forest loss
Primary forest loss
Bomi 3,505 13 77 62 168 319 9.1%
Maryland 71,949 501 765 1,241 2,620 5,127 7.1%
Montserrado 2,582 31 87 270 368 756 29.3%
Nimba 322,621 2,235 3,599 9,043 15,505 30,382 9.4%
River Cess 305,319 1,553 3,731 6,709 10,806 22,799 7.5%
River Gee 410,156 912 2,176 2,888 7,295 13,271 3.2%
Sinoe 733,360 2,730 3,720 9,951 11,991 28,393 3.9%
Bong 56,641 672 1,520 3,731 6,575 12,497 22.1%
Gbapolu 683,796 705 4,946 10,506 14,555 30,713 4.5%
Grand Cape Mount 201,603 347 1,771 4,174 5,949 12,240 6.1%
GrandBassa 142,064 1,680 4,080 5,775 10,337 21,872 15.4%
GrandGedeh 761,169 1,604 3,445 4,665 12,563 22,277 2.9%
GrandKru 211,422 1,246 2,556 3,430 5,078 12,310 5.8%
Lofa 504,051 1,443 4,506 14,618 22,762 43,329 8.6%
Margibi 18,813 429 548 1,075 1,222 3,274 17.4%

Primary forest loss by year at the subnational area (administrative level 2)

Sub-national admin area 1 Admin area 2 Primary forest extent
Primary forest loss
Primary forest loss
Primary forest loss
Primary forest loss
Primary forest loss
Primary forest loss
Bomi Klay 1,458 3 29 10 34 75 5.1%
Bomi Mecca 2,046 10 48 52 134 244 11.9%
Maryland Barrobo 37,987 154 209 239 639 1,241 3.3%
Maryland Pleebo/Sodeken 33,962 347 556 1,002 1,981 3,886 11.4%
Montserrado Careysburg 446 9 25 41 93 168 37.7%
Montserrado Greater Monrovia 2 0 0 2 0 2 81.5%
Montserrado Todee 2,134 22 62 227 275 586 27.5%
Nimba Gbehlageh 10,212 138 267 639 1,754 2,798 27.4%
Nimba Saclepea 2,344 61 163 270 634 1,128 48.1%
Nimba Sanniquelleh-Mahn 24,684 468 369 746 1,541 3,125 12.7%
Nimba Tappita 250,371 972 1,999 5,151 7,493 15,616 6.2%
Nimba Yarwein-Mehnsohnne 32,765 559 749 2,001 3,593 6,902 21.1%
Nimba Zoegeh 2,244 37 50 236 490 813 36.3%
River Cess Morweh 98,323 541 1,531 2,334 3,574 7,981 8.1%
River Cess Timbo 206,996 1,012 2,200 4,374 7,232 14,818 7.2%
River Gee Gbeapo 223,430 495 1,200 1,597 4,058 7,349 3.3%
River Gee Webbo 186,727 417 976 1291年 3,237 5,921 3.2%
Sinoe Butaw 176,244 556 1,135 3,897 2,683 8,272 4.7%
Sinoe Dugbe River 30,709 294 388 612 886 2,180 7.1%
Sinoe Greenville 3582年 52 100 126 276 554 15.5%
Sinoe Jaedae Jaedepo 245,996 724 686 1,070 1,608 4,087 1.7%
Sinoe Juarzon 110,931 316 391 2,145 2,858 5,711 5.1%
Sinoe Kpayan 55,202 429 697 992 2,366 4,484 8.1%
Sinoe Pyneston 110,696 357 325 1,108 1,314 3,104 2.8%
Bong Fuamah 22,291 143 509 917 1,694 3,263 14.6%
Bong Jorquelleh 497 16 8 27 104 154 31.0%
Bong Kokoyah 4,073 72 53 113 298 536 13.2%
Bong Salala 5,395 54 170 335 364 922 17.1%
Bong Sanayea 10,057 261 540 1,320 2,090 4,211 41.9%
Bong Suakoko 4,948 53 129 513 920 1,615 32.6%
Bong Zota 9,379 72 111 507 1,106 1,797 19.2%
Gbapolu Belleh 226,466 225 1,549 3,087 4,346 9,207 4.1%
Gbapolu Bokomu 55,607 150 899 2,743 3,863 7,656 13.8%
Gbapolu Bopolu 146,369 246 1,585 3,066 4,039 8,937 6.1%
Gbapolu Gbarma 58,541 40 359 573 604 1,576 2.7%
Gbapolu Kongba 196,813 44 554 1,037 1,703 3,337 1.7%
Grand Cape Mount Commnwealth 1,167 1 20 15 37 73 6.3%
Grand Cape Mount Garwula 5,184 79 349 748 981 2,156 41.6%
Grand Cape Mount Golakonneh 93,029 181 1,026 2,810 3,817 7,835 8.4%
Grand Cape Mount Porkpa 102,222 86 375 602 1,114 2,176 2.1%
GrandBassa District # 1 26,081 165 667 1,176 2,072 4,080 15.6%
GrandBassa District # 2 29,864 610 659 1,161 1,655 4,085 13.7%
GrandBassa District # 3 46,169 448 948 1,721 3,474 6,591 14.3%
GrandBassa District # 4 22,177 303 1,289 974 1,719 4,285 19.3%
GrandBassa Owensgrove 7,125 20 84 206 451 760 10.7%
GrandBassa Stjohnriver 10,648 134 433 536 966 2,070 19.4%
GrandGedeh Gbarzon 319,571 838 1,739 2,337 5,654 10,569 3.3%
GrandGedeh Konobo 316,414 352 876 878 3,201 5,307 1.7%
GrandGedeh Tchien 125,184 413 830 1,450 3,708 6,401 5.1%
GrandKru Buah 49,358 97 202 362 719 1,380 2.8%
GrandKru Lower Kru Coast 20,832 203 305 436 981 1,926 9.2%
GrandKru Sasstown 180606 95,009 504 943 1,244 1,551 4,242 4.5%
GrandKru Upperkrucoast 46,223 442 1,107 1,386 1,826 4,762 10.3%
Lofa Foya 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0%
Lofa Kolahun 156,157 840 1,681 4,619 5,917 13,058 8.4%
Lofa Lower Kru Coast 28,505 15 38 220 791 1,064 3.7%
Lofa Salayea 73,090 148 807 2,108 3,309 6,373 8.7%
Lofa Voinjama 73,673 68 367 1,511 2,422 4,368 5.9%
Lofa Zorzor 172,625 372 1,612 6,159 10,323 18,466 10.7%
Margibi Firestone 2,210 88 134 271 139 632 28.6%
Margibi Gibi 8,185 308 222 362 451 1,343 16.4%
Margibi Kakata 2,358 12 18 49 151 229 9.7%
Margibi Mambah-Kaba 6,059 22 174 392 481 1,069 17.6%

2019 forest data for Liberia|Archived forest data for Liberia|Forest data for Liberia

Data Source:Tree cover loss: Hansen/UMD/Google/USGS/NASA viaGlobal Forest Watch. Administrative boundaries: Global Administrative Areas database (GADM), version 3.6.

Citation:Mongabay. "Deforestation statistics for [selected country name]". Accessed on [date] from

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